miercuri, 29 mai 2013

Park Si Hoo - Sihoorang spune "Stop vot". De ce??

In mod normal, la nastere copilul iese cu capul inainte. Dar se intampla ca plodul sa fie incapatanat si sa vrea sa iasa cu curu' sau, daca poate, sa-si bage picioare din prima. Ma gandesc ca si asta ar putea fi una din cauzele pentru care deseori lumea  pare anapoda.
Din dragoste/respect/admiratie si mai ales cu incredere multi din cei care-l indragesc pe Park Si Hoo au frant rutina zilnica si i-au oferit cateva clipe si un clik pe site-urile unde sunt topuri de popularitate. In speranta ca actorul va zambi in adancul sufletului stiind ca n-a pierdut increderea fanilor. In speranta ca producatorii vor avea la un moment dat motiv de a-l distribui in vreo productie, stiind ca PSH are o cota de popularitate ridicata. In speranta ca evenimentul neplacut al carui personaj principal a fost nu a cascat o prapastie uriasa intre el si restul lumii. Si faptul ca in unele topuri PSH este pe primul loc (http://votingstation.net/index.php?lang=en&category=99&page=1http://123fans.cn/rank.php?c=6) m-a bucurat. In Japonia, premiera filmului "Confession Of Murder" din 1 iunie e asteptata cu nerabdare, si desi sunt convinsa ca multi au vazut deja filmul, salile in care va rula pelicula au anuntat de ceva vreme "sold aut". Serialul CDDA are ratinguri bune in tarile din Asia. Toti se uita si la PSH actorul, nu la PSH cel pana nu demult era aratat cu degetul ca presupus agresor sexual.
Asa ca mare mi-a fost mirarea cand am vazut ieri mesajul trimis ieri de Sihoorang (fanclubul coreean al lui PAH) trimis catre "fanii de peste mari si tari", mesaj care spune ca ar fi bine ca fanii sa nu mai voteze pe internet pentru PSH. Acelasi Sihoorang care in urma cu doua luni jumatate trimitea mesaj si ruga fanii, cei "de peste mari si tari", sa-l sprijine, sa-i lase vorbe de incurajare, etc. Acela Sihoorang care in afara de cateva mesaje semnate pompos "Sihoorang Management Committee" nu am simtit sa fii facut mare lucru in sprijinul lui PSH. Se simte oare SHR amenintat de actiunile fanilor de peste mari si tari? Fanii asiatici non-coreeni, in special cei chinezi voteaza grupa mare in topurile de popularitate. Comunitatea de pe parksihoo4u.com a avut initiativa unor actiuni laudabile in sprijinul lui PSH - scrisori catre ambasade si consulate, cerand corectitudite din partea politiei in ancheta care il viza pe actor, mesaje de sustinere, etc. Fanii japonezi se intrec si ei in a promova filmul COM prin afise, pliante... Se teme SHR ca ramane fara obiectul muncii in favoarea celorlati? De ce ar cataloga SHR locul 1 din topuri al lui PSH ca publicitate negativa si ca i-ar deteriora imaginea? SHR se teme ca astfel de actiuni ar putea pune presiune pe PSH sau ca i-ar putea starni pe anti-fani.
Ceea ce nu inteleg eu este demersul acestui mesaj. Mesaj care este din partea conducerii SHR, dar nu este si pozitia oficiala a lui PSH. Nu trebuie uitat si nici neglijat ca PSH personal sau prin oficiali, mereu a multumit fanilor pentru suport si si-a exprimat speranta ca acestia nu-si vor pierde increderea in el. Si atunci? De ce acest mesaj din partea SHR? Care mai e rolul fanilor atunci cand preferatul lor este la anaghie?
Nu-i asa ca traim intr-o lume anapoda?

Mesajul  Sihorang

2013.05.27     14:03

Dear All Overseas Fans!!

Hi to all overseas fans !! I hope you are staying happy and healthy. This is a short memo to you all guys to please slow down on all internet voting for Park Sihoo.

You probably have read in the newspaper article this morning about Park Sihoo taking all the Number One ranking in China and SH K-Star popularity awards as well as the fantastic news about the premiere of his debut film <I am the Murderer> in Japan this coming Saturday, 1st of June, 2013.

All is well and I cannot emphasize more how grateful the Korean fans are to the overseas fans for voting so passionately day and night for the awards which is a reflection of how much you still love and support Sihoo despite the tumultuous three months. I certain that he will be touched by your relentless effort to keep him in the spotlight with the eagerness to alert the producers of Sihoo’s value as an extremely marketable Hanryu start in the Asian continent and across the world. He is definitely an asset in the Asian entertainment industry and in good time I have no doubt that we will be able to see him in films and drams.

However, we must think carefully about whether what we are doing now may actually deval‍ue his worth as an actor by attracting anti-fans and negative publicity. Our eagerness and passion to keep him in the public spotlight by making him Number One star in all the internet voting awards may in fact be harzardous in terms of causing unncessary negative attention and we must think logically and objectively of the most effective way to support him. We have achieved the number one spot as we had desired and we have clearly shown the media and the public that he is still loved deeply by the fans and I strongly suggest that we back down from here. Going overboard is not the best thing we can do for Sihoo at this stage and we must save the energy and effort for the crucial time when he does start working again.

Please do not misunderstand me when I plead with you guys to slow down in voting. On behalf of Sihoorang, I am very grateful to the overseas fans for your touching effort to do something for Sihoo to cheer him up. However, now that we have achieved that aim so effectively, it is wise to also know when to cool down and give him some space so he uses this precious time to recharge his energy. I suggest that now all overseas fans to devote that same energy and time to reviewing his dramas and studying his characters and wait patiently for his next work. I have learnt over the last three months that sometimes being passive can be actually more helpful than being active and I think that motto fits this particular situation perfectly.

Please I plead with all overseas fans to slow down in all internet voting and marathon room in Sihoorang and step back a bit for him to be out of the public spotlight for a while. Sihoo will return to his fans when the right time comes and let us all concentrate on supporting him then. It may take months to years but I believe it is our duty to wait for him as a fan with good faith. Let us not put too much pressure on him for the time being.

I hope this letter is received well with the overseas fans. I am only writing this letter with good intentions and I hope you read between the lines. Thank you for supporting Sihoo and Sihoorang and God bless you.

With best regards,   2013 Sihoorang Management Committee.

Sursa: http://cafe.daum.net/pyungholove

luni, 27 mai 2013

Chae Dong Ha - O lacrima pentru tine...

Doi ani. Doi ani au trecut de cand Chae Dong Ha (23.06.1981 - 27.05.2011) a spus adio acestei lumi (si aici). Prea fragil pentru framantata si agitata lume in care traia, Chae Dong Ha si-a pus capat zilelor in apartamentul sau pe 27 mai 2011. Ascult inca muzica lui. Si faptul ca e inca in inima mea il face nemuritor.
In noapte, din miile de stele care palpaie pe cer, una e a lui. Iar in urechi imi suna suava si plina de tristete vocea lui...

Odihneste-te in pace!

Artistul saptamanii - Kim Nam Gil (김남길)

Nu mai sunt multe ore sunt pana la premiera serialului "Shark"  (KBS2, 20 de episoade - 27 mai - 30 iulie) si la mult asteptata revenire, dupa o pauza de trei ani, a carismaticului actor Kim Nam Gil.
Model de succes, a urcat cu pasi mici in topul actorilor. A debutat in 1999 in serialul "School", a avut roluri secundare, facandu-se remarcat de critici abia in 2008, in filmul "Portrait Of A Beauty" (Kang-Moo). Reactiile favorabile au facut ca urmatorul pas sa fie drama "Queen Seon Deok" (2009) si Bi-Dam, personajul care l-a propulsat in topuri. Zambetul lui fermecator, usor malitios, privirea melancolica au fost atuurile de suprafata care au spart zidul. A fost votat cel mai sexy barbat, a fost asaltat cu multe oferte pentru reclame si pentru filme viitoare. Stagiul militar (din cauza caruia numarul de episoade la drama "Bad Guy" a fost redus) si probleme de sanatate l-au tinut vreme de trei ani departe de public. Jun Yoshimura / Han Yi-Soo din drama "Shark" interpretat de KNG va fi un personaj cu un trecut dramatic, care se va zbate intre dorinta de razbunare si dragoste.

Nume: Kim Nam Gil (김남길)
Nume de scena anterior (pana in 2008): Lee Han (이한)
Data nasterii: 13 martie1981
Inaltime: 184cm
Greutate: 70kg
Studii: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies – Chinese Language; Myeong Ji Cheon University 명지전문대학 – Theatre and Visual Arts; Hanyoung High School; Godeok Middle School; Seoul Goil Elementary School

Shark (KBS2 2013) / Jun Yoshimura / Han Yi-Soo
Bad Guy (SBS 2010) / Shim Gun-wook
Queen Seon Deok (MBC 2009) / Bi-Dam
Several Questions That Make Us Happy (KBS 2007)
When Spring Comes (KBS 2007) / Kim Joon-Ki
Lovers (SBS 2006)
Goodbye Solo (KBS 2006) / Ji-An
Be Strong, Geum Soon (MBC 2005) / No Jeong-hwan
My Name Is Kim Sam Soon (2005)
5th Republic - rol episodic
Beating Heart - rol episodic
Be Strong Geum Soon - rol episodic
Freezing Point - rol episodic
Sweet Buns - rol episodic
The Age of Heroes - rol episodic
Nonstop 4 - rol episodic
School 1 (1999)

Ensemble  2012 (producator)
Lovers Vanished  (2010) / Su In
Hand Phone (2009) / Jang Yun-Ho
Portrait Of A Beauty (2008) / Kang-Moo
Modern Boy (2008) / Sinseuke
Kang Chul Jung : Public Enemy 1-1 (2008) / Moon-Soo
No Regret (2006)
Don't Look Back (2006)
Low Life (2004)

2010 46th Baeksang Arts Awards - Best New Actor for TV (Queen Seondeok)
2009 MBC Drama Awards - Excellence Award, Actor (Queen Seondeok)
2009 MBC Drama Awards - Best Couple Award with Lee Yo-won (Queen Seondeok)
2009 17th Korean Culture and Entertainment Awards: Best New Actor for Film
2009 2nd Style Icon Awards - New TV Icon

(post dedicat Mariei Chiotan)

miercuri, 22 mai 2013

Ferma de ciuperci - LC9

Daca va era dor de ceva colorat, uite ca avem la "Ferma de ciuperci"! Nega Network (de care apartin Brown Eyed Girls, Sunny Hills si LUNAFLY) vrea sa cucereasca piata cu un nou grup format din sase foarte tineri baieti - LC9, acronim de la  “League of Competition #9″ (cunoscuti inainte de lansarea oficiala sub denumirea de "Boys Eyed Brown"). Grupul, alcatuit din J-hyo, RASA, KING, AO, JUN si E.Den au lansat pe 8 mai primul lor mini-album, intitulat "SKIRMISH" si un MV pentru piesa "Mama Beat", a doua piesa de pe mini-album (cu scene cam violente pentru care a si primit bulina de +19). O muzica curata, parti vocale bine conturate si clare, un sunet atractiv si multa energie, cam asa se prezinta albumul la o prima ascultare.
LC9 au lansat pe 22 mai si versiunea dance a melodiei “Mama Beat” (subtitrata in limba engleza) pe Youtube, pe canalul oficial al LOEN Entertainment. Spre deosebire de video original, aceasta versiune are o coregrafie placuta si incearca sa se concentreze pe calitatile de dansatori ale membrilor grupului.

J-Hyo - 제이효 (nume: Jung Jong-hyo (김종효), n. 5 iunie, 1992, vocalist; inaltime 175cm,
studii: Seoul Performing Arts High School) are o scurta aparitie in
MV-ul "Dirty" a lui Miryo, membra Brown Eyed Girls,
RASA - 라사
(nume: Park Gun-woo (박건우), n  9 august 1989,
lider, vocal, rapper, inaltime 177cm)
KING - (킹)
(nume: Dong Woo Seok (동우석 ), n 3 aprilie 1993,
vocalist principal, inaltime: 178cm)
AO - (아오)
(nume: Kang Hyun Su, n. 18 iunie 1996, vocalist,
inaltime: 178cm, mezinul grupului)
JUN  - 
(nume: Park Jun Young  Park Jun Young (박준영),
n. 23 februarie 1994, vocalist, inaltime 175 cm, imaginea grupului)
E.Den - 이든
(nume: Park Hyung-jin (박형진)n. 4 martie, 1991,
a trait in Vancouver, Canada; dansator si rapper;  inaltime: 182cm;
prezent in MV-ul "One Summer Night" al fetelor de la Girls Eyed Brown)

SKIRMISH - full album aici (free download) si audio aici
Track list
01. 전초전
02. Mama Beat (feat. 가인)
03. Hold On
04. Ready Set Go
05. 전초전 (inst.)
06. Mama Beat (inst.)
07. Hold On (inst.)
08. Ready Set Go (inst.)

Official Fan Club: Love Beat