Inca un blog despre kpop si kdrama. Cu informatii si interpretari personale despre ceea ce mi-a starnit interesul.
Precizez ca nu am nici un beneficiu in urma postarilor. I do not own anything, all rights belong to the artist!
Ascultandu-i, cred ca au venit din alta lume... Sunt fata in fata cu extraterestrii? Nu le cunosc limba, dar al saselea simt functioneaza perfect si inteleg tot. Si simt! Au si ei durerile lor, dorurile lor, frunstari si neimpliniri. Portativul e universal si din inflexiunile vocilor cuprind necuprinsul in causul palmelor....
Sunt printre noi, ne mangaie pe frunte si ne spun 괜찮아 (gwaenchana), lasa muzica noastra sa te patrunda/cuprinda, lasa-ti lacrimile sa vina si sa se impleteasca cu ale noastre intr-o cununa, paseste cu grija in lumea noastra, pianul iti va urma pasii, ca si ecoul vocilor noastre... Impreuna vom da nastere unor poeme, iar clipa o vom transforma in eternitate...
Un dor visceral de tot si de toate ma rascoleste si ma preling umbra alaturi...
Cu umilita ne inclinam voua, celor care ne primiti cantecul...
Si-am incalecat pe-o sa si-am ma spus o poveste asa...
Raiul si Iadul ne e dat deopotriva in trecerea prin viata. Din luturi arse ne cautam necuprinsul cu care sa ne umplem golurile in rastim de implinire si in care sa ne revarsam toate iubirile tacute. Tristi, colindam pe la porti ferecate, strigatele mute fiind rasucite de ecoul inimii. Timpul ne brazneaza trupurile cu amar si resemnare. Deseori, insingurati in propria noastra singuratate ne lasam doborati si invinsi de agonia pierzaniei, zbatandu-ne neputinciosi in plasa destinului.
Though I live, they say it’s not really living. In this world without you, it’s like a windowless prision. though I laugh, it’s not really laughing. That I look shabby and as if I’m crying. though I loved you, I couldn’t say it. I couldn’t even show it. I missed you even in the moment I fell a sleep. while you live, while you live, while you live and become tired. Due the sadness that I caused, until you have enough. while you cry, while you cry, while you cry and you become exhausted. when you become so tired, can you think of me just once? while you live though I laugh, it’s not really laughing. That I look shabby and as if I’m crying. though I loved you, I couldn’t say it. I couldn’t even show it. I missed you even in the moment I fell a sleep. while you live, while you live, while you live and become tired. Due the sadness that I caused, until you have enough. while you cry, while you cry, while you cry and you become exhausted. when you become so tired, can you think of me just once? we’ll laugh because we’re force to laugh. we’ll live because we’re force to live. Because though you’re by my side, even though you’re by my side, you end up crying. while you live, while you live, while you live and become tired. Due the sadness that I caused, until you have enough. while you burn, while you burn, while you burn it and some still remain. you can burn everything away without a trace until you’re satisfied. while I live… while I live…